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Group Head : Dr. Parth Chauhan, IISER, Mohali
Group Secretary : Dr. Prabhin Sukumar, CHARUSAT University, Gujarat

The existence of humans on the Late Quaternary surfaces in Indian sub-continent has left the imprints of civilizations, cultures and mobility possibly in response to climate changes during the Quaternary period. The complex interactions and the consequences of various human-climate factors are persistent for both man and environment during the Late Quaternary period. The HUCLIMQAT and its working groups prospects to convey a lucid picture of spatio-temporal relationship of humans, archaeology and the Quaternary environments.

Group Leader :
The Human migration group shall put forwards evidences of the humans through the various corridors of the Indian sub-continent and its tele-connections with the environmental changes during the Quaternary.

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The understanding of the human-environment interaction during the Late Quaternary is based on conclusive evidences recorded by expert in the field. The Evidences and Societal attributes of humans through Quaternary working group shall conclusively combine the existing records and provide a broader picture of the future prospects of such studies in virgin and lesser known area of the sub-continent.

Group Leader :
The interplay of climate change and human impact on climate change is gaining impetus at all levels in the present world. The Climate and Human interface in Quaternary working group shall provide detail insights into the combined interaction of the Quaternary climate change and its impact on humans. How these two factors co-existed and influenced each other and visa-versa, during the Quaternary period? Such unanswered question from the Indian sub-continent, their answers based on multiple tools such as archaeological evidences, proxy records and climate studies.

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Anthropological Impact and its attributes in Modern Times working group shall bring together the researchers working on recent developments in the human societies and its continued impacts on the modern times in the Indian sub-continent. For example the anthropological and archaeological evidences found in the Indus valley give details of various techniques used for sustainable growth and development which are applicable in modern times also. To help such techniques survive and re-used for growth and development even during the modern times this working group make valuable efforts.

Group Leader :
Geoarchaeology, archaeological finds & Human History, DNA sequencing of archaeological records.